Wednesday, June 2, 2010

F*ck the News

I disagree that watching the "news" makes a person more responsible, intellectual., etc. We are only told what the media want us to hear, in an emotionally manipulative way, in order to either increase ratings, or even manipulate the populace. If you watch the "news" and believe you are well informed, just remember that you are only hearing what they want you to hear. You have no idea what is really going on. You are putting all of your trust in a system based on profit and greed, a system that only stands to benefit by manipulating you and your emotions. The 'news' in america today is no different than the 'news' in USSR in the 80's.

Put another way: They generate fear and outrage by only telling horrible stories, usually greatly exaggerated, and using powerful emotional language and strategic images. We get angry and afraid. We blame other people for making us feel this way and want them to change. They get angry at us for wanting them to change. We are no longer communities working together, we are highly polarized groups of individuals fighting with each other. We spend billions of dollars on safety products, stress related disease, private schools, disinfectants, etc because of the fear and seperatism being shovelled down our throats. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, they happily rake in the cash. Worse, we are easy to manipulate this way. "United we stand, divided we fall". There is absolutely nothing responsible about subjecting oneself to this poison and manipulation.

I used to watch the news religiously because I hated being the one in the office that didn't know what was going on. And I was fucking miserable. But more importatnly, did my anguish about the brutal slaughter of thousands of people in Africa improve their situation? Nope. It did nothing whatsoever to improve anything. Not one single thing improved in this world because I was made aware of it. In fact, I learned to see the world as a horrific place, not beautiful. I saw humans as the worst thing to have ever existed on this planet. None of the good/noble/wonderful things mattered. How could they when I see rednecks torturing and murdering a declawed panther? As a human, and one who could change none of this, I hated myself.

So fuck the "news." It does far far far more harm that any accidental good.

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